Thursday, September 17, 2009

things that are pissing me off today

I absolutely hate stupid, shitty drivers. I especially hate the stupid, shitty drivers that fuck up and act like you are the one that did something wrong! I've about been hit, cut off, and stuck behind people too scared to even do the damn speed limit. I have honestly had to blow my horn five times today, and I've only been away like 6 hours. NOT a good ratio. Secondly, F&%# ALLERGIES. I hate being the chick walking around all day hugging a fucking tissue. IT. SUCKS. TAINT. For those of you who know and for those of you who don't: I'm allergic to almost everything, but try sneezing for a good, ohhhhh 20 times in a row and see how that feels....FIVE TIMES A DAY. GRRRRRARRRGGHHH! And this brings me to my third point, mascara was made by an emotionless mechanical bastard who never cried, never sneezed, or had watery eyes. Mascara ruins my makeup every time I sneeze. I didn't wear it for 17 years, don't know why I suddenly felt the urge to start.. Maybe it's because it 'defines my eyes'. Whatever. And now, I am in a terrible, exhausted, crappy mood due to my situations.

OH AND I LOCKED MY KEYS IN MY CAR TODAY! saf;jslfjs;ldkfasj;dflkj


Friday, July 31, 2009

Houseboat Brawl!

Like, the title: HOUSEBOATS RULE. Wait.. no.. they kick smash, annnnn' so do I.

Our newfound buddy that we chill with has this stupendous houseboat. It's kindof ridiculous how big and nice it is; it's actually nicer than the inside of most homes, hahaha. Anyhoo, I was out getting my jetski (plus sound effects) on, catching some air, climbing and swimming through big rocks, sliding, and especially mastering the art of the intertube. See, here's proof that I was on that thing! Ol' boy was trying soo hard to knock me off of it, but I am a beast. I was triumphant, but ehhh, next time I'm going to wear a wet suit. My poor thighs are beat with water friction burn. Ow. Note to self: when tubing with "Woody" driving, always wear a wetsuit. That mofo is crazy on a boat. Unfortunately, there had to be one bitch who was crazier, and this time it wasn't me. This chick that my friends and I happen to know is probably the most "woe-is-me" acting person alive. She says she hates everyone and everything, but then doesn't see why the people who are actually close to her get frustrated with her. To continue: The whole time we were there she had been giving me this yada about how she's so different now, how she doesn't drink, or smoke pot, just cigarettes, and how she's changing, blah, blah, blahh, blahh-bullshit! Three hours later, there she is drunk as fuck, topless, and passing out wet in someone who she just met's bed. Well, my ex-roomie and Betch and I had to go. It was getting dark, and we all wanted to head home. My ex-roomie and I tried multiple times to wake up miss "woe" but she wasn't having it. We went to the extent of pouring some water on her nipples from a half empty water bottle, and all she did was say "fuck you, go away, you're fucking stupid, fuck off". I was officially tired of this behavior since I needed to leave for previous engagements, and decided spontaneously to dump the remaining contents of the water bottle on her face. I said, "There 'ex-roomie' she is awake now. Let's go." Moments later I hear a screaming from a near-by demon, ahhh, "woe" is awake and pised. This crazy slut comes at me topless, screaming, and aims to plant one in my face! Ha-ha.. don't hold your breath, 'cause it definitely didn't happen. That girl was DROPPED, thrown, and chucked on the boat cussing every breath until she was out of sight. I apologized for blood shed, rolled a fatass blunt, and departed. That was pretty much the end to a spectacular boating event. Yayyyyy.

Amo. Over, and out.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Holiday Inn.

(Singing) What you doin'? Nothin', chillin' at the Holiday Innnnn. Who YOU with?


Yeahh. That's what I'm doing. Kindof intoxicated right now, so excuse my grammar. I'm loving this darned hotel. I'm in a lovely suite; it has beautiful leather furniture in the living room, a goregous bathroom with a jacuzzi (oh, yeah), two tubes, and big beds. Ahhh, comfy. Last night was the best. Me and my lover filled up the jacuzzi with bubbles up past the actual height of the tub. Candles lit the way, it was amazing. We had a magnificant evening, and actually, we are going to stay another night, I believe. Unfortunately, sleepyhead is snoring next to me. I'm so sad. Crunk, blazed, and wide awake with no company. Good thing I have this, or I would be s.o.l. (shit out of luck, for you slow ones).

Let me talk a second about some soco and lime though..

I vote it is a definite "must try". I am not one for dark alcohol, but this one with LIME. Make sure it is LIME, NOT keylime. I tried it with keylime = very shatty. Whiskey sounds crazy, but I am telling you. I am also telling you that I am very in the mood right now. Maybe it's the Soco & Lime, eh? ;) I am about to wake this sleepy sex machine up. Hehehe.

Fucking you, slowly.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Public love.

Wow. Hold on, let me do that again. Wow.

I have had a really swell last couple days. Friday was particularly eventful for one special reason: Public love. After dinner at Logan's (and XL long island iced tea, to go!), my company and I went to Macy's, and guess who needed to try on some pants? Not me, guess again! Right-o, my company. That's when things got hot. "Oh, those jeans look great on you.. Take them off," I told him.
No reply was necessary, the pants were dropped. Might I say that being silent is quite difficult, yes? Especially when there is a huge mirror right in front of you, it makes things super sexy. Mmm, I got a great tingling after that one. Moments later, we left and purchased the pants nonchalantly. Now, I would normally not perform such a daring feat, but I blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol. It was a good thing, so good that I'm not even sure how the rest of the evening went. Hahaha!

I officially set "Public Loving" as a bullet on your bucket list.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good sex mistaken for a good relationship?

TOPIC: Can good sex be mistaken for a good relationship?

I keep having this reoccuring idea. When someone has been alone for a long time, or, on the otherhand, been with someone for a very long time, or flat out jus used to casual sex, can good sex make that person believe he/she is really 'infatuated' with someone?

Pause. Think.
(Pause. Think. Comment. Continue:)

Good sex can be mistaken for a good relationship, but I believe that it is the time spent that really matters. Receiving a certain great feeling or touch can be almost addicting, and this is where the problem is. For instance, knowing or meeting someone, hooking up, lusting for their touch frequently and making a relationship based upon it is one thing, but knowing or meeting someone, spending time getting to know if you really enjoy their company or not, and the sex just so happens to make headlines off the Richter Scale is another thing. There are a lot of physical connections and feelings being made during intercourse that often aren't verbally exchanged. These emotions should be conversed, so that someone can know where he/she might stand with the other person. While I was pausing to think, I found this lady. She talks about 'easy' and 'relationships'. Sounds like an oxymoron, huh?

I have to conclude that I do believe that in order to have and keep a good relationship some sexual activity is mandatory. No one wants their lover out sniffing around behind their back for some pleasure, so give it to them yourself! Think you've tried it all? Haven't tried at all? Looks like you haven't been reading your Cosmopolitan. Go there now and visit their 75 crazy-hot sex moves.

Tata. Love.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My first day!

Hello all!

I just wanted to give a warm welcome to everyone visiting me. Over the next few days this page will be changing appearance a lot, just give me a little time. From here on out I'm just going to blog with no restrictions and talk like no tomorrow! Here goes a sample:

So, I woke up early to sweet, gentle kisses on my lips and face. Sleepy and still dazed, I tenderly kissed back. Ah, the rowdy, rough, and rugged man of my dreams was laying over top of me wispering his most sincere goodbyes. Oh, how I do hate it when he leaves me, but oh, how I do love to watch him walk away..even if he is just wearing cameo cargos and a beater. Rugged. No white man I know has an ass like that.

My horse does though.. but then again, he's black! Ha!
Check him out:

That's my boy, Duke. He's a Morgan horse, and a headstrong champion at 10 years young. He's solid muscle, solid attitude, and solid black, except for his back left foot has a little white sock on it. How cute? Hehe, I call him my "Cowboy Horse". You know, the cowboy always has that perfect horse that seems to do everything he wants it to ie. fear nothing, bring him his hat, wait for him outside the saloon, share a beer, that's DUKE, and that's where I'm going. I need to spend today doing something exhilarating, so it's off to the stables with me. I'm going on a wild ride! ;)