Sunday, July 26, 2009

Public love.

Wow. Hold on, let me do that again. Wow.

I have had a really swell last couple days. Friday was particularly eventful for one special reason: Public love. After dinner at Logan's (and XL long island iced tea, to go!), my company and I went to Macy's, and guess who needed to try on some pants? Not me, guess again! Right-o, my company. That's when things got hot. "Oh, those jeans look great on you.. Take them off," I told him.
No reply was necessary, the pants were dropped. Might I say that being silent is quite difficult, yes? Especially when there is a huge mirror right in front of you, it makes things super sexy. Mmm, I got a great tingling after that one. Moments later, we left and purchased the pants nonchalantly. Now, I would normally not perform such a daring feat, but I blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol. It was a good thing, so good that I'm not even sure how the rest of the evening went. Hahaha!

I officially set "Public Loving" as a bullet on your bucket list.

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